Note: Each tenant should develop a customized Emergency Procedures Manual. Logic:Emergency Procedures should be customized for each tenant, because specific procedures, such as evacuation plans, will differ from tenant-to-tenant.
Life Safety Plan
Regions Center recommends that you use the Tenant Emergency Procedures Template located in the Tenant Forms section of this website to help you quickly develop your own customized Emergency Procedures. The Tenant Emergency Procedures Template is available in Microsoft Word® and includes highlighted insertion points for tenant specific instructions, policies and procedures.
Your company’s customized and specific Life Safety Plan should, at a minimum, include the following sections:
- Emergency Contacts
- Building Life Safety Features
- Emergency Personnel - Building
- Emergency Personnel - Tenant
- Safe Assembly Area Designation
- Alarms
- Bomb Threat
- Elevator Malfunction
- Evacuation
- Fire and Smoke
- Leaks and Spills
- Medical Emergencies
- Power Outages
- Severe Weather