After Hours Access System
Regions Center uses an electronic card access system to control access to the garage and the buildings. The card access system provides convenient after-hours entry into the building for authorized individuals.
Using the Access Card
The electronic card access system is easy to use. A plastic card, similar to a credit card, is placed near the face of the card reader (a small black device with a red LED light on the front) and the card reader verifies that the cardholder is authorized to enter (a beep will sound) and then activates the door, gate arm, or elevator. Access Cards are issued by the property management office. Complete and submit the Access Card Request Form, approved by your supervisor, to obtain an access card.
Parking Garage
The parking garage gates are closed at all times (in order to prevent illegal parking) and therefore access after normal hours and during normal hours is via the electronic card access system. Card readers are located at the Milam Street entrance and the Edwards Street entrance. After your vehicle passes through the gate, the gate arm will automatically close. You are also required to use your access card to exit the garage. All exits are equipped with card readers.
Building Entrances
Card readers are located at the Garage entrance to the second floor of the Atrium, the Texas Street entrance to the Atrium and the Market Street entrance. When leaving the building, you must press the red button to unlock the door. The Market Street entrance/exit is not equipped with a red button and therefore cannot be used for exiting.
Building Elevators
All elevators are equipped with card readers. After hours, you must use your card in order to use the elevators. You will only be allowed access to your authorized floor(s), which have been programmed into your access card by the property management office.