Loading Dock & Deliveries
The delivery of supplies, furniture, office equipment and other similar large deliveries must be made using the loading dock which is located between the south side of Regions Tower and the Parking Garage. Access to the loading dock by vehicle is from Edwards Street through the one-way alley that runs along the back of the property. Access to the loading dock from inside the property is via the double wood doors located just west of the high-rise elevator lobby.
The Regions Center Moving Policy provides that the movement of large amounts of supplies, furniture, and office equipment is restricted and requires prior property management office written approval of a Move Request form..
To prevent property damage, the movement of items through the glass entrance doors, across the Atrium or lobbies, or using the passenger elevators is restricted to small, hand held items. Two and four wheel dollies and carts should not be taken on to the passenger elevators or moved across the Atrium or lobby floors.
Only the elevators designated as service elevators should be used for deliveries. Passenger elevators should never be used for deliveries in order to prevent damage to the elevator finishes and for the safety of elevator passengers. Refer to the Elevators section of this manual for more information regarding the service elevators.